
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Finally! The Jones Family is Back...

Hopefully few mommies missed last night's airing of Quints By Surprise...with the lovely and endearing Jones Family.  I'm willing to admit that I'm a total reality TV junkie for any show with meaningless drama; episodes that include everything and anything I don't have to think too much about or that just make me laugh after a stressful and long day at the office.

This show does something a bit different for me.  It makes me want to be a better makes me want to do more for my children.  Sometimes, I battle my maternal needs of wanting to be a stay-at-home mom; Betty Crocker meets June Cleaver in the Brady-Bunch household.  This tussling with the other side that wants to be Erin Brockovich; climbing the corporate ladder as fast as I possibly can and bringing home my own bacon thank you very much.  The Jones family has me wanting to send in my resignation letter, join
PTA and trade in my honda accord for a minivan.

When I watch Casey Ann handle her five three-year-olds, along with her older daughter Eliot; I think...what am I complaining about?!  This woman does it all.  She cooks for all the kids, she bathes them all, she puts them to nannies, no complaining....all the while clicking photos with her camera and bustling around her spotless, gorgeous house.  And-no glass of wine in her hand at 6 o'clock.  What?

Last night I viewed Casey and Ethan discussing how crazy they were for potty training the quints, their new dog, and attempting to get the quints in toddler beds and ditch the cribs...all at once.  I thought about my own household; I have a hard enough time trying to simply get the laundry done and dinner on the table-who has time for a dog?  And thank God for my babysitter Nancy, who basically handles the potty training department.

What makes a family so wonderful?  Is it the TV producers and knowing that you are being filmed for all America to see?  I mean, Casey and Ethan both look like they stepped out of a fashion magazine...where after a day with two kids I'm wrinkled, smudged, and broken down.  Or, is that good ole', God-fearing, southern family outlook that us in other parts of the world are lacking?

Whatever it is, I love it.  I'm going home tonight, cooking dinner (no wine!), giving baths, delivering stories at bedtime...all with a smile on my face and excitement about my very less-than-extravagant but also very satisfying life. 

Make sure and tune in next Tuesday to TLC ya'll!  ~Trina


  1. I started to watch it but my bed was calling my name. I'm also a reality TV junky. I watched the 19 Kids and Counting earlier and thought how wonderful their kids are and now that she is pregnant again with their 20th I had this thought. "Well if anyone can have 20 kids it would be the Duggars." They teach their kids to have a serving heart and to always think of others. We need more people like that.
    Then I look at my one child and think, "Am I doing enough to teach her to be thoughtful?" When she went trick or treat so did always say "Thank you" after getting her candy. I guess I'm doing OK. One day at a time right? And remember, TV is not real. No one is prefect so why should we expect to be.

  2. I love this show, they are such a sweet family...

  3. The Jones family is down to earth sweet family! Their Christian lifestyle shines through all aspects of their life!! I love the Jones'!

  4. I too have been inspired by this show to be a better mother! These parents seem to always be so calm! Casey is doing crafts at home and taking her kids places I would never take mine! All with a smile! Because of this show I am trying to enjoy my little ones more and not stress over the little things. After all they will be grown before we know it!


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